“FIFA, It’s a shame”

NHC urges FIFA to scrap Chechnya as World Cup base camp for Egypt.

It is a shame that Chechnya is even considered as a team base camp during the World Cup, taking into consideration the human rights crisis in the republic”, said secretary general of the Norwegian Helsinki Committee, Bjørn Engesland.

When the 2018 FIFA World Cup kicks off in Russia in June, the Egyptian national team will have Chechnya as their base. 14 Russian and international organisations are protesting this decision.

Russian and Chechen authorities have intensified their attack on one of the very few remaining human rights organisations in Chechnya. The leader of Memorial, Oyub Titiev, has been detained on trumped-up charges since January.

“For President Kadyrov, the location of the Egyptian team to Chechnya is another chance to be in the spotlight with international football starts like Mohamed Salah, whereas his people is subject to collective punishment, torture and extensive invasion of privacy”, said Lene Wetteland, head of the Russia department of the NHC.

In a joint letter, the NHC and the 13 other organisations call upon FIFA-president Gianni Infantino (photo) to engage with the Russian authorities on the human rights crisis in Chechnya.

Read the letter here.

In a new handbook for journalists travelling to Russia during the World Cup, the NHC and six other Norwegian NGOs are also focusing on this issue.