The Threat of Ultra-Nationalism in Ukraine and Europe

Liberal, democratic values are under attack from right-wing parties and populist movements in Ukraine as in several European countries.

The situation in Ukraine bears the same marks as many young democracies; supporters of liberal values clash with those who glorify the country’s history and nationalist myth-building. Ultra-nationalist attacks on LGBT and women’s activists, and support for illiberal and anti-democratic sentiments is a growing concern.

The illiberal democracy of Victor Orbán in Hungary and undemocratic developments in neighboring Poland may also have a negative influence on the situation in Ukraine. The ongoing conflict with Russia further strengthens ultra-nationalist sentiments.

This leads us to ask the following:

-Will the liberal values that were in the focus of the 2014 Euromaidan revolution, survive in the context of nationalism and conflict with Russia?

-How can developments in Ukraine be understood in the context of the nationalistic and protectionist discourse in Europe and globally?



Norwegian journalist and writer Simen Ekern

Human rights defender Oleksandra Matvijtsjuk

feminist and LGBTIQ activist Olena Shevchenko

in a conversation led by author Aage Borchgrevink


Other events we particitpate in and co-host:

HUMAN 2019 / Hungary 2018+2019: Faking Democracy?

HUMAN 2019 / Festival opening: The Panama Papers

HUMAN 2019 / Award Ceremony 

In cooperation with HUMAN Film Festival



Olya Shamshur

Senior AdviserEmail: [email protected]Phone: +47 97 73 53 43
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