NHC partner produces video encouraging peace in Kyrgyzstan

A long time partner of the NHC, the human rights organisation Spravedlivost' in Jalalabad, South Kyrgyzstan, has made a video encouraging peace between the inhabitants of the region tormented by ethnic violence four years ago.

“The value of a sip of tea, the value of a slice of bread, the value of welfare, the value of the grand children’s love, the value of the child’s smell. Value your golden days, keep the peace”, the voice in the video says.

Spravedlivost’ is among the many local human rights organizations to have received support through the NHC Small Grants Fund for Central Asia over the past several years. The organization is led by Valentina Gritsenko, and carries out monitoring of serious human rights violations in the Jalalabad province, as well as providing legal support for victims of torture.

You can download the Norwegian Helsinki Committee reportA Chronicle of Violence: Report details June 2010 events in Kyrgyzstanhere.

The Norwegian Helsinki Committee recently also submitted a report to the UN Human Rights Council with our recommendations to the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights. Read the recommendations here.