The mid-term review will look at project implementation progress, results and goal achievement during the first 1,5 years of a 3-year Norwegian Helsinki Committee (NHC) project on Eurasia. The overall budget for the whole period of the project is Norwegian kroner 60 million (app. 6 500 000 Euro), and it is funded by the Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
The project’s desired long-term effect is: A more informed and engaged population which is able to demand state accountability for human rights and democratic principles. The intended outcome for the target group is: A strong civil society in a more aware and active society.
Project activities include documentation of human rights violations, reporting, accountability measures, advocacy and outreach, capacity building and support to civil society actors.
The review will assess implementation of planned activities and effects experienced by the project’s target groups as results of the project. Target groups include human rights defenders, civil society activists, media representatives and lawyers, as well as public institutions and decision-makers. The review will assess how follow-up is structured as well as the cost effectiveness of the project.
The review will be carried out mainly as a desk review, and with some meetings where possible.
The NHC wants a review process that is inclusive and participatory when it comes to interaction and feedback from the supported local partners.
The NHC seeks a review that can provide input to the ongoing implementation of the project and in addition to NHC’s overall plan of action 2017-2021.
The economic framework of the assignment will be subject to negotiations between the NHC and the assigned reviewer.
Please read the Terms of Reference for the assignment.