These grave crimes widely go unpunished in Syria. Therefore, torture survivors, relatives, human rights defenders, and lawyers have been documenting the crimes in order to bring those responsible to justice outside Syria – for example by using legal means in Europe.
Several European states opened criminal investigations to hold those accountable who have committed international crimes. As a result, perpetrators from different parties to the conflict were convicted. Also in Norway, this could be made possible through the principle of universal jurisdiction, which allows Norwegian authorities to investigate and conduct judicial proceedings in relation to international crimes. In other European countries such as Germany and France, criminal complaints have contributed to arrest warrants against key figures within Assad’s torture system.
The Norwegian Helsinki Committee and the European Center for Constitutional and Human Rights (ECCHR) Welcome you to an event that will discuss what role Norway can play in the international efforts to hold to account those responsible for some of the most egregious crimes of our times. Among the speakers are torture survivors as well as representatives from Syrian and European human rights organizations.
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