“In our experience, there are strong counter-forces to human rights documentation in conflict and post-conflict situations. The likelihood of being held to account for human rights violations may even have decreased in recent years due to new obstacles hindering documentation work on the ground, weakening of international justice institutions, and a lack of political consensus in supporting documentation and justice processes. This is a development which over time erodes overall respect for human rights”, according to the letter. “We think this is a timely and very important topic for such a resolution.”
Improving the situation of human rights defenders

The sculpture of The Knotted Gun also known as “Non-Violence” by Carl Fredrik Reuterswärd, placed outside UN Headquarters, NY. Photo: Dag Fedøy/NHC
The Norwegian Helsinki Committee has sent a letter to the Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs concerning a forthcoming resolution on human rights defenders in conflict and post-conflict situations. Norway will negotiate and present the text for adoption by the UN Human Rights Council during its winter 2022 session.