Manifesto for human rights in Europe

The International Federation for Human Rights (FIDH) and its member organizations in Europe are launching a Manifesto for human rights aimed at the candidates for the upcoming European elections in June. The goal? To urge them to commit to 10 priorities for their next mandate, at a time when democracy, the rule of law, and freedoms are under threat in the Union.

Populism and anti-rights movements are on the rise in Europe. They call into question the rule of law and the universality of human rights. The EU has an essential role to play in promoting a world order firmly rooted in respect for human rights for all. This is particularly true now at a time when severe crises are unfolding in and on Europe’s borders.

The Norwegian Helsinki Committee is one of 30 European members of the FIDH. Together we encourage all candidates, as well as the Commission and European Parliament that will be elected, to make human rights a key objective and commit to upholding and promoting ten human rights priorities.

Press release from FIDH 

Manifesto for Human Rights in Europe

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