The new website for The Norwegian Helsinki Committee (NHC) is now live! It provides a clear message of who we are, what we do, where we work and how we make a difference.
“We have created a better digital tool for promoting human rights, speaking up against injustice and mobilizing more people to get involved as human rights defenders. I am proud to present the new website”, says Bjørn Engesland, Secretary General of the NHC.
First, we developed a new logo and visual design together with Geelmuyden Kiese. The new logo consists of two equal half circles, symbolizing the importance of standing together.
“We have designed the fresh look and feel to enhance your experience when visiting our website for news and other updates on human rights and wrongs”, says Øystein Solvang, Head of Communications at the NHC.
Mobile optimised
The much-needed facelift is fully optimised for mobile devices, and will allow you to learn more about us and the invaluable work from our partner organisations in more than 20 countries – whether you’re at your desk or on the move.
New content
Articles on the new will cover various topics from breaking news, in-depth analysis from leading human rights experts. We present unbiased and fact-based information from some of the most closed and censored countries in Europe and Central Asia. Recommended reading right now:
Some hope and much despair: Political prisoners in Central Asia
Russia after the World Cup: On Pussy Riot and Putin’s tumble
Easy navigation
The new website enables us to update you on the status of human rights and how you can engage and get involved to fight injustice. We have made it easier to navigate and to find the articles you are looking for.
Check out the new and efficient search tool in the section called Our work, where you can access the articles that matter to you through smart topic filters.
What do you think?
The launch of the new website does not mean the work is done. Instead it is the starting point of improving the way we interact with you.
“We hope our readers and members enjoy the new look and atmosphere of our new website. The webpage is still a work in progress so we welcome all types of feedback, says Hilde Sandvær, Communications adviser at the NHC.
Reach out to her at [email protected] with both “criticism and praise!” We are grateful for your feedback and promise to do what we can to improve the new website in the near future.
Please do share the news about our wonderful new site! Keep up to date with all the latest news from the NHC – simply sign up for our monthly newsletter.