How can you end up with criminal charges for organizing a march on International Womens Day in Ukraine? Norwegian abortion law has been changed for the first time in forty years – has the Norwegian women’s movement been sleeping? And what are the most burning issues today for women standing on the barricades for other women in Europe?
The Norwegian Helsinki Committee invites you to a discussion on what are today’s major human rights challenges for women in Europe. We ask why #metoo hits a nerve where #equal pay does not get the big headlines anymore. When the European women’s rights movement deals with everything from fighting honor killings to combating pornography, does it then make sense to try to create a common European agenda for women’s rights?
We have invited an expert panel consisting of Alena Popova, from Russia’s “Stop Violence Against Women”, Olena Shevchenko, feminist and LGBT-activist from Ukraine and Nora Mehsen, Norwegian commentator, author and columnist in Morgenbladet.
The event is part of the Norwegian Helsinki Committee’s campaign “12 Women on the Barricades”, where we are highlighting human rights defenders who have been imprisoned, tortured, killed, threatened and trolled online – but who do not give up. The aim of the campaign is to focus on what needs to be done for women in Europe to live safely, independently and to fulfill their basic human rights. The campaign is illustrated by Jenny Jordahl. The event is also a part of our annual Anna Politkovskaya seminar and has received support from Fritt Ord.
Age limit: 20 years old