Presentation of the report ‘Between revenge and oblivion: a transitional justice concept for Russia’

The Russian neglect of international law did not start with the full-scale attack on Ukraine 24 February 2022. In this report, now available in English and presented at this event, the authors outline how it started with North Caucasus and how the Russian regime has been able to carry out serious violations over many years, nationally and internationally, without serious consequences.

The Norwegian Helsinki Committee and the Norwegian Institute of International Affairs NUPI would like to present the English version of Nikolai Bobrinsky and Stanislav Dmitrievsky’s report Between revenge and oblivion: a transitional justice concept for Russia.

Initially published in Russian in 2020 by the Institute for Law and Public Policy, the report by Bobrinsky and Dmitrievsky outlines legal challenges posed by systemic impunity of crimes in Russia and suggests measures to overcome the consequences of systemic impunity within the framework of transitional justice. The authors developed criteria for attributing incidents to potential objects of transitional justice and provide an overview of such incidents within contextual blocks, including usurpation of state power, corruption and armed conflicts. The authors analyse legal remedies available under the existing laws and identify their shortcomings and gaps hindering the goals of justice in an environment of long-term systemic impunity. The work concludes with a set of recommendations on amending the laws to restore justice and the rights of victims and a design of institutional structure of transitional justice.

The report may be found useful by victims of unpunished crimes, human rights advocates, and others who care about human rights and justice.


1. Stanislav Dmitrievsky is the head of the human rights focused Russian-Chechen Friendship Society, and is active in the civil society movement against the unlawful de-listing and demolition of buildings of cultural significance.

2. Nikolai Bobrinsky is a Russian human rights lawyer, a transitional justice researcher, and a doctoral student at the Humboldt University in Berlin.

3. Dr. Domitilla Sagramoso, from King’s College London, will provide comments to the report. Domitilla Sagramoso contributed extensively to the editing of the English version of the report, with her knowledge of transitional justice mechanism.  This results from her in-depth study of the second wave of trials, carried out in Argentina since 2003, of military and civilian members of the Argentine Junta (1976-1983).

4. Mariana Katzarova, Special Rapporteur on the situation for human rights in the Russian Federation, OHCHR.

Moderator: Maryam Sugaipova, NUPI

Co-organiser: NUPI

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