Organizations from all five Central Asian republics may apply for support for original and innovative projects focused on the promotion of human rights and democracy in Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan.
This year, we particularly wish to involve those who are new to the human rights community in Central Asia. Therefore, please note that the NHC Small Grants Program for 2019 is open only to emerging organizations which currently or previously have not received funds from donors such as NED, OSF, EU and others.
In 2019, the Norwegian Helsinki Committee wishes to support positive initiatives from emerging organizations with new and surprising ways of defending human rights.
What’s more important to you? Freedom of expression, freedom of the media, freedom of assembly and association, freedom of religion or belief, freedom from ill-treatment and torture, minority rights, LGBTI-rights – these are our universal human rights, we own them – but they are in bad need of defence today.
How to apply?
Every applicant must fill out a Proposal Cover Sheet including core information about the organization, but there is no set Application Form for proposals. You are free to write the application in your own style but remember that every application must include:
- A completed Proposal Cover Sheet as a separate file
- A description of the human rights issue or current problem that your project addresses
- A description of the activities to be carried out in the course of the project
- An implementation plan for these activities
- A timeline for the project, including Start Date and End Date of the project
- A detailed Budget (May be submitted separately in Excel format)
In the text, you should also include an assessment of risk factors for the project as well ideas for future funding for the project and your organization.
Proposals may vary from a minimum of 3000 USD to a maximum of 9999 USD. However, we wish to underline this year that we particularly welcome smaller projects, especially in countries where rapid changes are taking place. Maximum time frame for projects are 1 May 2019 – 31 January 2020.
All applications should be e-mailed to [email protected]
The deadline for applications is 31 March 2019.
The Norwegian Helsinki Committee works to promote respect for human rights and democratic principles in the entire OSCE region. We have been engaged in Central Asia for many years, with a particular focus on core human rights under pressure. The NHC Small Grants Fund is an annual program, which was established in 2006.