Must ensure credible handling of allegations against ICC Prosecutor

ICC ASP President must ensure credible handling of allegations of impropriety against Prosecutor Khan KC.

In a letter to Päivi Kaukoranta, the President of the Assembly of States Parties to the International Criminal Court (ICC), the Norwegian Helsinki Committee points to the need for an independent, impartial and fair investigation of the allegations. The Prosecutor of the Court, Karim Khan KC, has been accused of sexual misconduct by one of his staff. International media have widely covered the accusations and the ICC’s handling of them.

The letter points to the problematic situation of the ICC because of such internal problems while the Court is subject to external criticism and states’ refusal to cooperate with it. “In such a climate, the moral character and authority of key persons representing the interests of the Court and the broader cause of ensuring justice for core international crimes are paramount. That is why we follow with keen attention your – and other key ASP players’ – handling of the allegations of impropriety against Prosecutor Khan KC”, the letter says.

This is not the first time such accusations against ICC officials have been publicised. Over several years, a broadly based research project on integrity in international courts and tribunals was undertaken, culminating in the comprehensive anthology Integrity in International Justice. According to the project’s premises, integrity is a “legally binding requirement for those who serve international courts and the States Parties who elect their judges, prosecutors and other high officials. If diplomats of States Parties choose to abdicate this responsibility, they should not be surprised if morale at the court in question falls”.

It is time for everyone concerned to take this seriously.

Link to the letter

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