On 24 February, 2022, Russia launched a full-scale invasion of Ukraine. Since then, hundreds of thousands have been killed or injured, many thousands are missing, and even more have had their homes and lives destroyed by the war. Ukrainians are tired of loss and terror, and many are asking how much longer this can last. But what kind of peace is actually in sight? Will a ceasefire mean safety for the people on the ground, and can a lasting, fair peace be achieved at the negotiating table? A new American president creates great uncertainty, and how much responsibility are the EU and Norway prepared to take for security and peace in Europe?
In cooperation with the Nobel Peace Center, we invite you to a timely discussion on the possibility of peace in Ukraine.
- Kristian Berg Harpviken, Director, Norwegian Nobel Institute
- Karen-Anna Eggen, Researcher, Norwegian Institute for Defence Studies
- Aage Borchgrevink, Senior Adviser, Norwegian Helsinki Committee
- Center for Civil Liberties, the Ukrainian civil society organization that received the Nobel Peace Prize in 2022, participates via video.