It is only two years since the last election in Kazakhstan. According to the Kazakh authorities, the parliamentary election is a step in the direction of a renewed Kazakhstan. The Norwegian Helsinki Committee has had an office in Kazakhstan since 2010. We follow the political and human rights situation closely and cooperating with local civil society. We have no illusions that we will see a sudden and fundamental democratic change in Kazakhstan. Nevertheless, some noteworthy changes have taken place, also in the sphere of human rights and democracy. Last year, Kazakhstan introduced a number of constitutional amendments. Among the more interesting is the introduction of single-member parliamentary constituencies. In this election, 29 out of 98 elected representatives will be elected directly from among self-nominated candidates from individual constituencies. While the authorities are still preventing the political opposition from submitting party lists for the election, this change makes the Sunday’s election interesting.
A renewed Kazakhstan?

The Kazakh Parliament in Astana.
This Sunday there are parliamentary elections in Kazakhstan. For the first time in the country's history, the result is not decided in advance.