The report focuses on recent events, i.e. from August to early October 2001, but includes (when relevant) some information about abuses that have occurred prior to this period. The report obviously does not give an exhaustive catalogue of the recent abuses in Chechnya — that would entail a much more comprehensive investigation. Such an investigation, conducted by a team of independent analysts with an international component, is direly needed, but difficult to put in practice given the uncooperative attitude of Russian authorities (noted for instance by the European Committee for the Prevention of Torture and Inhuman or Degrading Treatment in a public statement issued on 10 July 2001) toward international human rights bodies. The report does not concentrate on a geographical area or specific type of abuse, nor does it attempt to uncover all the details of a specific crime or incident, instead the report attempts to outline the general traits of the human rights situation in Chechnya — which amounts to a tragedy without parallel in today’s Europe.
Forgotten terror: Chechnya October 2001

This report is based on meetings with international organizations, federal representatives, local officials, other relevant individuals, and with international, Russian and local non-governmental organizations (NGOs). The mission visited a total of seven camps for internally displaced persons and two hospitals in the region of Nazran, Karabulak and Slepsovskaya.